Real Ale Wobble 2023
Terms and Conditions of Entry

The Terms and Conditions detailed below apply to all entrants participating in the Green Events Ltd. Real Ale Wobble. If you are registering for an acquaintance/family member etc, YOU are confirming that YOUR ASSOSCIATE has AGREED to the terms and conditions below.

  1. The entrant agrees to ride sensibly and legally at all times with consideration to other riders and all other users of the route, including members of the public.
  2. The entrant is fully responsible for their actions whilst taking part in the Real Ale Wobble.
  3. The Real Ale Wobble is a social event and not a timed race/event, however by signing on, you are agreeing that you are physically fit and mentally capable of completing your chosen distance/course.
  4. Entrants under the age of 18 (must be aged 16 and over to take part) must always be accompanied by their parent/guardian out on the course.
  5. On the morning of the event, all entrants must sign on at the specified location, check their contact details, collect a number board and refreshment tokens.
  6. Every rider must fix their number board to their bike and ensure it is visible at all times whilst out on the course.
  7. All riders must wear an appropriate cycling helmet. Any rider not wearing a helmet will not be covered by the event insurance, will be disqualified from the event and could be liable for damages if involved in an accident on that basis.
  8. Riders are responsible for the roadworthiness and suitability of their bike.
  9. Green Events Ltd. welcome E-bikes on the course. Any e-bike used on a Real Ale Wobble must comply with the governments EAPAC Requirements and be ridden with due consideration to other users at all times. E-bikes which don't comply with the governments EAPAC requirements are not permitted to be used at any time. PLEASE NOTE ELECTRIC SCOOTERS ARE NOT PERMITTED.
  10. Riders must acknowledge all warning signs, and are responsible for deciding whether or not to complete a section of the course regardless of the signage.
  11. If the participant chooses to ride a section not on the course, it is entirely their own choice. If they choose a different route to avoid obstacles or sections they decide are beyond their capabilities, they do so entirely at their own risk.
  12. The participant understands and accepts that where the event takes place on the open road they must abide by the Highway Code at all times and when riding on a public highway, the function of marshals is only to indicate direction and that they must decide whether the movement is safe.
  13. Participants understand and accept that whilst all reasonable effort has been made by Green Events Ltd. to make the event safe and enjoyable, Green Events Ltd. does NOT accept liability for any accident, damage, theft, injury or illness to entrants, spectators, or any other person, vehicle or property whatsoever. Participants agree that NO liability whatsoever shall attach Green Events Ltd, promoting organisations, members of the promoting organisations, landowners, event officials, volunteers, or event sponsors in respect of any injury, loss or damage suffered by the participant in or by reason of the event HOWEVER CAUSED.
  14. By entering the event you agree that any footage or photos taken of the event containing your image can be used by Green Events Ltd. for promotional purposes.
  15. All riders must report to the finish and sign back in, even if they retire. Not doing so will mean that a search may be organised and the subsequent cost will be billed to the rider.
  16. Green Events Ltd. reserves the right to cancel any event, due to extreme circumstances. In such an event, each participant's entry will be automatically moved to the rescheduled event or carried forward to the subsequent Real Ale Wobble. It is at the discretion of Green Events Ltd. to offer refunds.
  17. If you are unable to attend the event please contact Green Events Ltd. It is at the discretion of Green Events Ltd. to offer refunds, allow transfer to future Real Ale Wobble or transfer of rider. Please note if agreed, a transfer admin fee may be payable by the entrant.